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Photo of extracts dripping into vial.


Greenland, Inc. Creator of Naturin2

Greenland, Inc. was established in 1992 as a manufacturer of dietary supplements. ​


Our company’s leading herbal tonic, Naturin2, was developed by a group of scientists and medical consultants after a long period of research and testing.​ Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 1992, Naturin2 has been distributed throughout North America as well as many regions of Southeast Asia.


Despite the challenges of rapid advancement in nutrition science and fierce competition in the health supplements industry, Naturin2 has stood the test of time in a steadily growing natural and personal care market in the United States.

Greenland, Inc. aims to connect people and the healing properties of herbs together and will continue to serve those who seek a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


Naturin2 was inspired by one woman’s story of survival, struggle and strength. Winnie is a refugee, an immigrant from Vietnam who came to America in her twenties. 


She started a new life in the back kitchens of a sandwich shop in downtown Seattle. In ten years, she was a proud owner of one of the city's first Vietnamese restaurants. "Little Saigon" was known for karaoke nights and its delicious food in the International District during the late 1980s. She had her footing as an entrepreneur and a was a proud mother to a budding family.


Winnie still put herself last, tirelessly working in the front of house with her husband in the back kitchen while taking care of two children simultaneously. She pushed herself hard, fueled only by the desire to create the best life possible.

Photo of company founder, Winnie Che and her cancer oncologist Dr. Saul Rivkin


After giving birth, Winnie went to the clinic for a routine check-up. A CT scan found a tumor located high in her left breast, near her armpit. After the initial shock, Winnie went into denial. The time and energy invested towards the future that she worked incredibly hard for, might not happen after all.


Winnie found herself in the care of Seattle’s top oncologist at Swedish Hospital, Dr. Saul Rivkin. Their meeting changed her attitude about her health forever.​


Guided by Dr. Rivkin, Winnie found the inner strength to fight second-stage breast cancer with lymphatic metastasis in her left armpit by undergoing a long course of chemotherapy, which gave her agonizing side effects. These included sudden attacks of cold, severe vomiting, hair loss, and premature aging, all leading to a breakdown of her health. When she couldn’t stand the pain of the side effects any longer, Winnie requested a break from her chemotherapy treatments.

Photo of company founder, Winnie Che, and her daughter when she had cancer.


Chemotherapy had killed off the dangerous blood cells, but it had also blasted the healthy ones. Winnie was determined to not make it back for treatment again. To support her post-cancer healing and find the energetic woman she had once been, Winnie started to look for alternative recovery solutions.


Winnie was introduced to a group of nutritional professionals and researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine, who were studying the beneficial effects of Chinese herb extracts. They recommended a formula that might help her. Over a long period of time, she began to take it.


After 6 months to 1 year, Winnie couldn’t help but notice the early signs of hair regrowth on her once-bald scalp.  She found herself regaining her appetite and enjoying food with gusto once again. Her formerly dull complexion and drawn features transformed, and her radiance returned. Her menstrual cycle, which had been disrupted by her cancer treatment, also came back. 

Photo of an array of traditional Chinese herbs.
Photo of text saying "Power of Traditional Chinese Medicine"


Her former chemotherapy treatments paved the way to getting rid of the bad cells in her body. With the nourishment of Naturin2, and a conscious mind-body balance, Winnie also incorporated healthy eating, routine exercise, and better sleeping habits into her life. Winnie reached back to peak mental and physical condition. After recovery, she gave birth to two more children without complications in her early 40s.

From then on, Winnie and her husband Chris wanted to share with as many people as possible about the formula which nourished her body and strengthened her spirit. Thus, Naturin2 was born. 


Photo of Naturin2 vial.
Logo of Naturin2 Brand in Green

Nourishing people with the power of plants, Greenland is creator of herbal dietary supplement Naturin2 with a 30 year history. For questions and inquiries about our company and product, please reach out we'd love to hear from you.

Contact Us

Phone: 206-623-2577

Address: 3120 139th Ave SE Suite 500  Bellevue, WA 98005 USA


*These Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The Food And Drug Administration. This Product Is Not Intended To Diagnose, Treat, Cure, Or Prevent Any Disease. Please Consult With Your Medical Provider About Any Dietary Supplements You Are Taking To Discuss What Is Best For Your Health. 

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